A Website chat Bot is an automated chat software application or system that can be used for web-based chat rooms, online gaming, instant messaging, email and social networking purposes. Chat Bots are self-operated virtual agents that interact directly with your online visitors in an interactive way similar to a real human agent like a phone or even a real human agent. (NO, I do not own this computer, you need not feel offended)
While some
chat bot s can be programmed by programmers and/or technicians to perform various functions, most Chat Bots are made available by the manufacturers for use by website owners and developers. The primary function of chat bots is to act as a virtual personal assistant that can be programmed to perform several tasks and is usually referred to as a 'companion'agent'.
Some chat bots are more sophisticated than others and may require advanced programming knowledge. In general, it is easy to start using a chat bot - just install it on your website and let it take care of all your online interaction needs. Chat Bots also help to automate website maintenance, so the entire staff can focus on other aspects of their businesses without having to waste time in maintaining the website.
Another advantage of using Chat Bots is that it enables online chats to be conducted from anywhere in the world, and the chat session can be carried on without the need for a specific internet connection. Chat Bots are commonly used in the gaming industry, because they provide a level of interactivity that is impossible with a conventional computer game.
When you are considering purchasing a Website Chat Bot for your website, you need to choose the correct one. Some Chat Bots comes with pre-installed databases and features, but there are others which you need to install on your own. It is important to research the various features offered by each chat bot that you consider. You need to determine how many users are allowed to communicate with your chat bot on a regular basis, what the limits are as far as messages sent via SMS or email are concerned. Also, it is important to look at how long your chat agent will remain active and whether it is compatible with any plug-ins or extensions that you may have installed on your website.
There are a number of reputable websites where you can purchase good quality chat bots, so be sure to check out as many sites as possible before you make a decision. It is also worthwhile checking out what each chat bot can do for you, so that you can find one that can fulfill all of your needs. Once you have chosen a good chat bot for your website, you can rest assured knowing that you will never have to wait a day or two to contact your visitors again.